Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Should students be allowed to choose their teachers? - Body Paragraph

Students should be allowed to choose their own teachers because some students learn better from some teachers, and don't learn as well under other teachers. There are a number of reasons for this, one of them being their teaching method. Some students learn better by listening, while other students learn better by being shown what they're learning, and then by doing a hands-on activity. Some teachers have a certain attitude in the classroom that some students can find distracting while they're trying to learn, or really has a negative impact on them while they're trying to learn. For example, a teacher that's making jokes during class might distract a student who is trying to work on their work, and if students had the choice of what teachers they could have, they could choose a teacher that wouldn't distract them while they're trying to learn. Students should be allowed to choose their own teachers because some teachers don't teach in a way that benefits them, while other teachers teach in a way that would benefit that certain quite a bit, so if students could choose their own teachers, they could choose teachers that they learn better from.

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